..is a comprehensive solution to STOP the spread of virus on shared or public-use computers. The system consists of qkClean™ Dispenser and the included qkPortal™ cloud-based administrative platform
Your computers are locked and unusable UNTIL the hand-sanitization is performed by the user. Then, and only then, will the computer become usable again.
Smart Sanitizer Dispenser prevents use of any computer UNTIL the hand-disinfection process is performed.
qkCLEAN™ is a touchless hand-sanitizing dispenser that prevents access to the computer UNTIL the hand-disinfection process is performed.
qkCLEAN™ is a compact and ergonomic dispenser that can be placed conveniently near the user's computer.
Included portal securely tracks usage, time, trends...etc., and alerts of any issues and refills via our cloud-based platform.
qkCLEAN™ is part of the PC-Germ-Guard™ solution.
Take a look at qkCLEAN™ Video (<30 secs)
qkCLEAN™ prevents use of the computer UNTIL it automatically senses and dispenses hand sanitizer to the user. It plugs into USB port and prevents any use of the computer until the disinfections process has been successfully performed.
Hand-Sanitization Is Required Before the Computer Can Be Used.
When the user first walks up to use the computer, it is locked by default with your (custom) instructions graphic on the screen.
qkClean™ touchless sensor detects user's hand and dispenses a sanitizer to clean all the accumulated germs. This is also logged on to your cloud-based platform for future analysis, reporting and trends.
Once the qkClean™ process has been performed, the user is allowed to use the computer. There are numerous options on how to repeat or start the process. Of course, we track every unit's usage, trends, time...etc., and alert you when its time to refill.
25,127 germs per square inch
20,961 germs per square inch
13,295 germs per square inch
1,676 germs per square inch
An average sneeze or cough can send around 100,000 contagious germs into the air at speeds up to 100 miles per hour.
An estimate of around 1,500 bacteria living on each square centimeter of skin on our hands.
Simply put qkCLEAN™ is the only process that will positively guarantee that the keyboard would not be a source of the spread of germs and diseases. Without qkCLEAN™ every time someone touches the keyboard of your computer, they are in effect depositing millions of germs and microorganisms on it, which accumulate over time from user to user. Even if you are the only one using this keyboard throughout the day, bacteria grows on from use to use. In a public-use computer, such as in the library, office or school, you are in effect touching the germs of hundreds of people that touched the keyboard before you - with qkCLEAN™ this is no longer a problem.
Here are some sobering facts:
An estimated 1.7 million infections and nearly 100,000 associated deaths each year in the USA alone occur in healthcare-associated infections alone! ... this doesn't count Corona-Virus related infections.
qkClean™ is based on solid and proven technology and comes complete with everything you need to simply plug-and-play. Once installed, each qkClean™ device is uniquely identified and tracked by its location, so that you can get detailed reports in aggregate as well as on each individual device. Each qkClean™ system includes:
Our USB-based, touchless qkClean™ dispenser connects to your computer for software control, power and tracking - it never needs batteries. Each dispenser holds about 12oz (400ml) of sanitizing liquid.
Simply download and install our software on your Windows-based computer. You are up and running within minutes.
From any device, on any browser access your cloud-based portal to get tracking information, set global parameters, know when and what devices approach refill levels and more.
qkClean™ comes with a 30-day complete warranty with 24/7/365 technical support.
Single Unit
Comes with:
■ qkClean™ Dispenser
■ qkClean™ Software
■ qkPortal™ Cloud Access
■ Warranty
■ Instruction manuals
■ 24/7/365 Support
■ Shipping (US only) Included
10 Units
■ Full access to the qkClean™ platform
■ 24/7/365 support
■ 10% discount
50+ Units
We offer significant
volume discounts.
Our PC-Germ-Guard™ platform
is geared for multiple unit tracking,
usage, reports, alerts...etc.,
Contact us for details
* Sales Tax not included
Once you purchase, as part of the PC-Germ-Guard™ solution, you will received an email from us with credentials to access qkClean™ Portal. Once logged into the Portal, a wealth of capabilities available to you:
Download Unit Software Now
(click “^” and select “accept” or “keep” choice if presented by your browser)
We are currently working on any Windows-based computer and will soon come out with systems supporting MAC OS and Chromebook OS systems. The PC-Germ-Guard™ Platform can be accessed on any device, including from cell phone, as long as you have Internet access.
Because qkClean™ prevents any use of the computer UNTIL it is disinfected, you are fully guaranteed that the user performed the sanitizing process before they are allowed to use the machine.
qkClean™ can be setup to operate in multiple ways. It can be set-up to prevent usage until qkClean™ has been performed is used either:
■ On every user-cycle - if it’s a multi-user machine (Ex: public use computers in libraries);
■ Or it can set up to run periodically (Ex: enforce usage every 2 hours) – This option is very popular with single-user, or for in-home computers. Also it is convenient for younger users to periodically force them to clean and disinfect throughout the day;
■ Also other, more advanced and customizable options available, where, for example, a click on an icon or even a special API's can be used to force-start the process.
Contact us with your specific requirements.
ALthough we cannot publish pricing on the web, please be assured that we are very aggressive supporting our larger-volume customers. The reason we can do this is because we built our proprietary electronics and dispensers in bulk and it makes our production process that much more cost efficient - we are simply passing the savings on to you.
Absolutely NOT ... although if you want we do provide competitive pricing on refill supplies and also offer an automatic monthly refill order for you at very attractive prices so that the suplies are delivered to you every month (or any other frequency) without you remembering to order it.
We can absolutely work with you to customize our software, portal and even hardware to satisfy your needs. We have hardware, software and mechanical engineers at our factory ready, willing and itching to do stuff... please contact us with specifics.
Clean-Hands Infographic (PDF)
Clean-Hands Infographic for the Family (PDF)
Office Infographic (PDF)